
501 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const { PrismaClient } = require("@prisma/client");
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
const sharp = require("sharp");
const { S3Client, PutObjectCommand, GetObjectCommand, DeleteObjectCommand, ListObjectsCommand, DeleteObjectsCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-s3");
const { getSignedUrl } = require("@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner");
const s3 = new S3Client({
credentials: {
accessKeyId: process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY,
secretAccessKey: process.env.S3_SECRET_KEY,
region: process.env.S3_REGION,
endpoint: process.env.S3_ENDPOINT,
const md = require("markdown-it")()
.use(require("markdown-it-anchor"), {
permalink: require("markdown-it-anchor").permalink.linkInsideHeader({
placement: "before",
symbol: ``,
let settings = {
HIDE_LOGIN: false,
CD_RSS: false,
CD_AP: false,
let groups = [];
2023-09-25 20:17:52 +00:00
async function registerUser(username, password, options) {
let user_database_entry;
let user_profile_database_entry;
// Create the entry in the database
try {
user_database_entry = await prisma.user.create({ data: { username: username, password: password, ...options } });
} catch (e) {
let message;
if (e.code === "P2002") message = "Username already exists";
else message = "Unknown error";
return { success: false, message: message };
// Create a user profile page
try {
user_profile_database_entry = await prisma.profilePage.create({ data: { owner: { connect: { id: } } } });
} catch (e) {
return { success: false, message: `Error creating profile page for user ${username}` };
// Master user was created; server initialized
postSetting("SETUP_COMPLETE", true);
// User has been successfully created
return { success: true, message: `Successfully created ${username}` };
// Posts
async function getBlog({ id, visibility = "PUBLISHED", owner_id, limit = 10, page = 0, search_title = false, search_content = false, search_tags = false, search }) {
// If we have an ID, we want a single post
if (id) {
// Get the post by the id
let post = await prisma.blogPost.findUnique({ where: { id: id }, include: { owner: true } });
if (!post) return { success: false, message: "Post does not exist" };
// Render the post
const rendered_post = await _renderPost(post, true);
// Return the post with valid image urls
return { data: rendered_post, success: true };
// Otherwise build WHERE_OBJECT using data we do have
let rendered_post_list = [];
let where_object = {
OR: [
// Standard discovery: Public, and after the publish date
AND: [
visibility: "PUBLISHED",
publish_date: {
lte: new Date(),
// User owns the post
ownerid: owner_id,
AND: [
OR: [],
// Build the "where_object" object
if (search) {
if (search_tags) where_object["AND"][0]["OR"].push({ tags: { hasSome: [search?.toLowerCase()] } });
if (search_title) where_object["AND"][0]["OR"].push({ title: { contains: search, mode: "insensitive" } });
if (search_content) where_object["AND"][0]["OR"].push({ content: { contains: search, mode: "insensitive" } });
// Execute search
const blog_posts = await prisma.blogPost.findMany({
where: where_object,
take: limit,
skip: Math.max(page, 0) * limit,
include: { owner: true },
orderBy: [{ publish_date: "desc" }, { created_date: "desc" }],
// Render each of the posts in the list
for (post of blog_posts) {
rendered_post_list.push(await _renderPost(post, true));
// Calculate pagination
let pagination = await prisma.blogPost.count({
where: where_object,
return { data: rendered_post_list, pagination: _getNavigationList(page, Math.ceil(pagination / limit)), success: true };
async function getAuthorPage({ author_id }) {
// Get the post by the id
let post = await prisma.profilePage.findUnique({ where: { ownerid: author_id }, include: { owner: true } });
if (!post) return { success: false, message: "Post does not exist" };
// Render the post
const rendered_post = await _renderPost(post, true);
// Return the post with valid image urls
return { data: rendered_post, success: true };
async function getUser({ id, username } = {}) {
let user;
if (id) user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: id } });
else if (username) user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { username: username } });
if (!user) return { success: false, message: "No matching user" };
else return { success: true, data: user };
async function postBlog(blog_post, owner_id) {
const user = await getUser({ id: owner_id });
// Check if user has permissions to upload a blog post
if ( !== "ADMIN" && !== "AUTHOR") return { success: false, message: "User is not permitted" };
// Create object without image data to store in the database
let blog_post_formatted = {
title: blog_post.title,
description: blog_post.description,
content: blog_post.content,
visibility: blog_post.visibility,
publish_date: blog_post.publish_date,
tags: blog_post.tags,
// Save to database
const database_blog = await prisma.blogPost.create({ data: { ...blog_post_formatted, owner: { connect: { id: owner_id } } } });
// Init image vars
let uploaded_images = [];
let uploaded_thumbnail = "DEFAULT";
// For Each image, upload to S3
if (blog_post.images) {
for (let i = 0; blog_post.images.length > i; i++) {
const image = blog_post.images[i];
const image_data = Buffer.from(image.data_blob.split(",")[1], "base64");
const name = await _uploadImage(, "blog", false, image_data,;
// Upload thumbnail to S3
if (blog_post.thumbnail) {
const image_data = Buffer.from(blog_post.thumbnail.data_blob.split(",")[1], "base64");
const name = await _uploadImage(, "blog", true, image_data,;
uploaded_thumbnail = name;
// Update the blog post to include references to our images
await prisma.blogPost.update({ where: { id: }, data: { images: uploaded_images, thumbnail: uploaded_thumbnail } });
return { success: true, blog_id: };
async function deleteBlog(blog_id, requester_id) {
const user = await getUser({ id: requester_id });
const post = await getBlog({ id: blog_id });
if (!post.success) return { success: false, message: post.message || "Post does not exist" };
let can_delete = === || === "ADMIN";
if (can_delete) {
await prisma.blogPost.delete({ where: { id: } });
_deleteS3Directory(, "blog");
return { success: true };
return { success: false, message: "Action not permitted" };
async function updateBlog(blog_post, requester_id) {
const user = await getUser({ id: requester_id });
const post = await getBlog({ id:, raw: true });
let publish_date = null;
if (!post.success) return { success: false, message: post.message || "Post not found" };
let can_update = === || === "ADMIN";
if (!can_update) return { success: false, message: "User not permitted" };
// FIXME: Unsure if this actually works
// Check if we already have a formatted publish date
if (typeof blog_post.publish_date !== "object") {
const [year, month, day] ="-");
const [hour, minute] = blog_post.time.split(":");
publish_date = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute);
let blog_post_formatted = {
title: blog_post.title,
description: blog_post.description,
content: blog_post.content,
visibility: blog_post.unlisted ? "UNLISTED" : "PUBLISHED",
publish_date: publish_date || blog_post.publish_date,
tags: blog_post.tags,
await prisma.blogPost.update({ where: { id: }, data: blog_post_formatted });
let uploaded_images = [];
let uploaded_thumbnail = "DEFAULT";
// For Each image, upload to S3
if (blog_post.images) {
for (let i = 0; blog_post.images.length > i; i++) {
const image = blog_post.images[i];
const image_data = Buffer.from(image.data_blob.split(",")[1], "base64");
const name = await _uploadImage(, "blog", false, image_data,;
let data_to_update = {
images: [, ...uploaded_images],
if (blog_post.thumbnail) {
const image_data = Buffer.from(blog_post.thumbnail.data_blob.split(",")[1], "base64");
const name = await _uploadImage(, "blog", true, image_data,;
uploaded_thumbnail = name;
data_to_update.thumbnail = uploaded_thumbnail;
await prisma.blogPost.update({ where: { id: }, data: data_to_update });
return { success: true };
async function deleteImage(image, requester_id) {
const user = await getUser({ id: requester_id });
const post = await getBlog({ id: image.parent, raw: true });
// Check if post exists
if (!post) return { success: false, message: "Post does not exist" };
// Check for permissions
if ( !== || !== "ADMIN") return { success: false, message: "User is not permitted" };
let image_index = post.raw_images.indexOf(;
post.raw_images.splice(image_index, 1);
await prisma.blogPost.update({ where: { id: }, data: { images: post.raw_images } });
const request_params = {
Bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET_NAME,
Key: `${process.env.ENVIRONMENT}/${image.parent_type}/${image.parent}/${}.webp`,
const command = new DeleteObjectCommand(request_params);
await s3.send(command);
return { success: true };
async function _uploadImage(parent_id, parent_type, is_thumbnail, buffer, name) {
let size = { width: 1920, height: 1080 };
if (is_thumbnail) size = { width: 300, height: 300 };
const compressed_image = await sharp(buffer, { animated: true })
.resize({ ...size, withoutEnlargement: true, fit: "inside" })
.webp({ quality: 90, animated: true })
const params = {
Bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET_NAME,
Key: `${process.env.ENVIRONMENT}/${parent_type}/${parent_id}/${name}.webp`,
Body: compressed_image,
ContentType: "image/webp",
const command = new PutObjectCommand(params);
await s3.send(command);
return name;
async function _getImage(parent_id, parent_type, name) {
let params;
// Default image
if (name === "DEFAULT") params = { Bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET_NAME, Key: `defaults/thumbnail.webp` };
// Named image
else params = { Bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET_NAME, Key: `${process.env.ENVIRONMENT}/${parent_type}/${parent_id}/${name}.webp` };
return await getSignedUrl(s3, new GetObjectCommand(params), { expiresIn: 3600 });
async function _deleteS3Directory(id, type) {
// logger.verbose(`Deleting entire S3 image directory`);
// Erase database images from S3 server
const folder_params = { Bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET_NAME, Prefix: `${process.env.ENVIRONMENT}/${type}/${id}` };
// Retrieve a list of objects in the specified directory
const listed_objects = await s3.send(new ListObjectsCommand(folder_params));
// If the directory is already empty, return
if (listed_objects?.Contents?.length === 0 || !listed_objects.Contents) return;
// Create an object to specify the bucket and objects to be deleted
const delete_params = {
Bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET_NAME,
Delete: { Objects: [] },
// Iterate over each object and push its key to the deleteParams object
listed_objects.Contents.forEach(({ Key }) => {
delete_params.Delete.Objects.push({ Key });
// Delete the objects specified in deleteParams
await s3.send(new DeleteObjectsCommand(delete_params));
// If there are more objects to delete (truncated result), recursively call the function again
// if (listed_objects.IsTruncated) await emptyS3Directory(bucket, dir);
async function _renderPost(blog_post, raw, { post_type = "blog" } = {}) {
if (raw) {
// Had to do this, only God knows why.
blog_post.raw_images = [];
if (blog_post.images) blog_post.images.forEach((image) => blog_post.raw_images.push(image));
blog_post.raw_thumbnail = blog_post.thumbnail;
blog_post.raw_content = blog_post.content;
if (blog_post.images) {
// Get the image urls for the post
for (i = 0; blog_post.images.length > i; i++) {
blog_post.images[i] = await _getImage(, post_type, blog_post.images[i]);
// get thumbnail URL
blog_post.thumbnail = await _getImage(, post_type, blog_post.thumbnail);
if (blog_post.content) {
// Render the markdown contents of the post
blog_post.content = md.render(blog_post.content);
// Replace custom formatting with what we want
blog_post.content = _format_blog_content(blog_post.content, blog_post.images);
return blog_post;
function _format_blog_content(content, images) {
// Replace Images
const image_regex = /{image:([^}]+)}/g;
// Replace Side-by-side
const side_by_side = /{sidebyside}(.*?){\/sidebyside}/gs;
// Replace video links
const video = /{video:([^}]+)}/g;
content = content.replace(video, (match, inner_content) => {
return `<div class='video-embed'><iframe src="${_getVideoEmbed(inner_content)}" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>`;
content = content.replace(image_regex, (match, image_name) => {
for (image of images) {
if (image.includes(image_name)) {
return `<div class='image-container'><img src='${image}'></div>`;
// Unknown image (Image was probably deleted)
return "";
content = content.replace(side_by_side, (match, inner_content) => {
return `<div class='side-by-side'>${inner_content}</div>`;
// Finished formatting, return!
return content;
function _getVideoEmbed(video_url) {
// YouTube
if (video_url.includes("")) {
return `${video_url.split("/")[3]}`;
if (video_url.includes("youtube")) {
let video_id = video_url.split("/")[3];
video_id = video_id.split("watch?v=").pop();
return `${video_id}`;
// Odysee
if (video_url.includes("://")) {
let video_link = `https://${video_url.split("/")[2]}/$/embed/${video_url.split("/")[3]}/${video_url.split("/")[4]}`;
return video_link;
function _getNavigationList(current_page, max_page) {
current_page = Number(current_page);
max_page = Number(max_page);
const pageList = [current_page - 2, current_page - 1, current_page, current_page + 1, current_page + 2].filter((num) => num >= 0 && num < max_page);
return pageList.slice(0, 5);
async function _getSettings() {
// Go though each object key in our settings to get the value if it exists
Object.keys(settings).forEach(async (key) => {
let found_value = await prisma.setting.findUnique({ where: { id: key } });
if (!found_value) return;
let value;
// Parse JSON if possible
try {
value = JSON.parse(found_value.value);
} catch {
value = found_value.value;
return (settings[key] = value);
async function getSetting(key, { parse = true }) {
if (!settings[key]) return null;
if (parse) {
return JSON.parse(settings[key]);
return settings[key];
async function postSetting(key, value) {
try {
if (!Object.keys(settings).includes(key)) return { success: false, message: "Setting not valid" };
await prisma.setting.upsert({ where: { id: key }, update: { value: value }, create: { id: key, value: value } });
settings[key] = JSON.parse(value);
return { success: true };
} catch (e) {
return { success: false, message: e.message };
async function _getGroups() {
const group_list = await;
module.exports = { settings, registerUser, getUser, getAuthorPage, postBlog, updateBlog, getBlog, deleteBlog, deleteImage, postSetting, getSetting };