const blog_id = window.location.href.split("/")[4]; let existing_images = []; let pending_images = []; let pending_thumbnail = {}; const thumbnail_area = qs(".e-thumbnail"); const image_area = qs(".e-image-area"); const text_area = qs(".e-content textarea"); // Style function stylizeDropArea(element) { // Drag over start element.addEventListener("dragover", (e) => { e.preventDefault();"drag-over"); }); // Drag over leave element.addEventListener("dragleave", (e) => {"drag-over"); }); // Do nothing on drop element.addEventListener("drop", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }); } // Auto resize on page load = text_area.scrollHeight + "px"; = text_area.scrollHeight + "px"; // Auto expand blog area text_area.addEventListener("input", (e) => { = text_area.scrollHeight + "px"; = + "px"; }); stylizeDropArea(thumbnail_area); stylizeDropArea(image_area); // Upload an image to the blog post image_area.addEventListener("drop", async (e) => { const files = e.dataTransfer.files; for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // Each dropped image will be stored in this formatted object const image_object = { id: crypto.randomUUID(), data_blob: new Blob([await files[i].arrayBuffer()]), content_type: files[i].type, }; // Add the image's data to the list pending_images.push(image_object); } // Update the displayed images updateImages(); }); // Upload an image to the blog post thumbnail_area.addEventListener("drop", async (e) => { const file = e.dataTransfer.files[0]; // The thumbnail will be stored in this formatted object const image_object = { id: crypto.randomUUID(), data_blob: new Blob([await file.arrayBuffer()]), content_type: file.type, }; // Add the image's data to the list pending_thumbnail = image_object; // Update the visible thumbnail qs(".e-thumbnail img").src = URL.createObjectURL(image_object.data_blob); // Update the displayed images updateImages(); }); // Publish or Update a blog post with the new data async function publishBlog(unlisted, edit) { // Format our request we will send to the server let form_data = { title: qs("#title").value, description: qs("#description").value, content: qs("#content").value, visibility: unlisted ? "UNLISTED" : "PUBLISHED", date: qs("#date").value, time: qs("#time").value, }; // If we have a thumbnail, read the thumbnail image and store it if (pending_thumbnail.data_blob) { form_data.thumbnail = { ...pending_thumbnail, data_blob: await _readFile(pending_thumbnail.data_blob) }; } // We have images to upload if (pending_images.length + existing_images.length > 0) { // Initialize the image array form_data.images = []; // Read the image, convert to base64, update the existing variable with the base64 for (let i = 0; pending_images.length > i; i++) { form_data.images.push({ ...pending_images[i], data_blob: await _readFile(pending_images[i].data_blob) }); } } // We are making edits to a post, not uploading a new one if (edit) { = blog_id; } // Send the request! const method = edit ? "PATCH" : "post"; const res = await request("/api/web/blog", method, form_data); if (res.body.success) { window.location.href = `/blog/${res.body.blog_id || blog_id}`; } } // Send a request to delete an image async function deleteImage(image_id) { const res = await request("/api/web/blog/image", "delete", { id: image_id, parent: blog_id, parent_type: "blog" }); if (res.body.success) { // Remove from existing images (If it exists) let image = existing_images.find((item) => === image_id); if (image) existing_images.splice(existing_images.indexOf(image), 1); image = pending_images.find((item) => === image_id); if (image) pending_images.splice(pending_images.indexOf(image), 1); updateImages(); } } // We need to read the file contents in order to convert it to base64 to send to the server function _readFile(file) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); } function customDragString() { const images = qsa(".e-image-area .image img"); images.forEach((image) => { image.addEventListener("dragstart", (event) => { event.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain","data-image_id")); }); }); } function updateImages() { const image_div = (img_id, img_url) => `
`; // Clear existing listings qsa(".e-image-area .image").forEach((entry) => entry.remove()); // Clear placeholder text if (existing_images.length + pending_images.length > 0) if (qs(".e-image-area .placeholder")) qs(".e-image-area .placeholder").remove(); existing_images.forEach((image) => { image_area.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", image_div(, image.url)); }); // Add new entries based on saved list pending_images.forEach((image) => { image_area.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", image_div(, URL.createObjectURL(image.data_blob))); }); customDragString(); } // Text area custom text editor qs("#insert-sidebyside").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("{sidebyside}{/sidebyside}", 12)); qs("#insert-video").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("{video:}", 7)); qs("#insert-h1").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("# ")); qs("#insert-h2").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("## ")); qs("#insert-h3").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("### ")); qs("#insert-h4").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("#### ")); qs("#insert-underline").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("_", undefined, true)); qs("#insert-italics").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("*", undefined, true)); qs("#insert-bold").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("__", undefined, true)); qs("#insert-strike").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("~~", undefined, true)); qs("#insert-sup").addEventListener("click", () => textareaAction("^", undefined, true)); function textareaAction(insert, cursor_position, dual_side) { // Insert the custom string at the cursor position const selectionStart = text_area.selectionStart; const selectionEnd = text_area.selectionEnd; const textBefore = text_area.value.substring(0, selectionStart); const textAfter = text_area.value.substring(selectionEnd); const selectedText = text_area.value.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd); let updatedText; if (dual_side) { updatedText = `${textBefore}${insert}${selectedText}${insert}${textAfter}`; } else { updatedText = `${textBefore}${insert}${selectedText}${textAfter}`; } text_area.value = updatedText; // Set the cursor position after the custom string qs(".e-content textarea").focus(); const newPosition = selectionStart + (cursor_position || insert.length); text_area.setSelectionRange(newPosition, newPosition); } text_area.addEventListener("drop", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); // Get the custom string from the drag data const customString = `\{image:${event.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain")}\}\n`; // Insert the custom string at the cursor position const selectionStart = text_area.selectionStart; const selectionEnd = text_area.selectionEnd; const textBefore = text_area.value.substring(0, selectionStart); const textAfter = text_area.value.substring(selectionEnd); const updatedText = textBefore + customString + textAfter; text_area.value = updatedText; // Set the cursor position after the custom string const newPosition = selectionStart + customString.length; text_area.setSelectionRange(newPosition, newPosition); }); // Load the existing images into our existing_images variable qsa(".e-image-area img").forEach((image) => { existing_images.push({ id: image.getAttribute("data-image_id"), url: image.src }); }); updateImages();